Saturday, September 27, 2014

Getty Foundation is inviting application for pre-doctoral, postdoctoral and NEH fellowships to pursue research to complete their dissertations or to expand them for publication at the Getty Research Institute. Getty Pre and Postdoctoral fellowships are welcome from scholars of all nationalities. GRI-NEH Fellowship is open for United States citizens or foreign nationals who can document that they have lived in the U.S. for the three years immediately preceding the fellowship application deadline. Getty Fellows are in residence for nine months from mid-September to mid-June. The application deadline is November 3, 2014.

Note: Applications will be open on September 30.

Study Subject(s):
Fellowships are awarded to complete work on projects related to the Getty Research Institute’s annual theme.

Course Level:
Fellowships are available for emerging scholars to pursue research to complete their dissertations or to expand them for publication at the Getty Research Institute.

Scholarship Provider:
Getty Foundation (GRI-NEH Fellowship is funded by National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and part of the Getty’s annual scholar and fellow program)

Scholarship can be taken at:

Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral fellowships:
-Applications for Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral fellowships are welcome from scholars of all nationalities.
-Current Getty staff and members of their immediate family are not eligible for Pre- and Postdoctoral fellowships.
-Getty Predoctoral Fellowship applicants must have advanced to candidacy by the time of the fellowship start date and should expect to complete their dissertations during the fellowship period. Successful Predoctoral Fellowship applicants who are awarded their degree after the application deadline but before the fellowship begins, or who receive their doctorate while in residence, automatically become Postdoctoral Fellows. To be eligible to apply for the 2015-2016 scholar year, Postdoctoral Fellowship applicants should not have received their degree earlier than 2010.
GRI-NEH Fellowship:-Applicants must be United States citizens or foreign nationals who can document that they have lived in the U.S. for the three years immediately preceding the fellowship application deadline (from November 3, 2011);
-Applicants must have completed all degree requirements by the application deadline;
-The GRI-NEH Fellows may be in residence for one of three periods ranging from five to nine months: September to February; January to May; or September to June.
Scholarship Open for International Students:
Scholars of all nationalities can apply for these Getty fellowships.

Scholarship Description:
The Getty FoundationGetty Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships are intended for emerging scholars to complete work on projects related to the Getty Research Institute’s annual theme. Recipients are in residence at the Getty Research Institute, where they pursue research to complete their dissertations or to expand them for publication. Fellows make use of the Getty collections, join in a weekly meeting devoted to the annual theme, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.

Duration of award(s):
Getty Predoctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows are in residence for nine months from mid-September to mid-June.

What does it cover?
Getty Predoctoral Fellows receive a stipend of $25,000. Getty Postdoctoral Fellows receive a stipend of $30,000. Both fellowships also provide a work space at the Getty Research Institute or the Getty Villa, an apartment in the Getty scholar housing complex, and airfare to and from Los Angeles. These terms apply as of August 2014 and are subject to future changes. The stipend for the GRI-NEH fellowship is $4,200 per month. The GRI-NEH Postdoctoral Fellowship also provides workspace, housing, and transportation comparable to other Getty fellowship programs.

Selection Criteria:
All fellowships are awarded on a competitive basis. Applications will be evaluated by the Getty Research Institute (or in the case the GRI-NEH Fellowship by an external selection committee of qualified scholars convened and staffed by the Getty Research Institute) based on: (1) the overall quality of the application; (2) how the proposed project bears upon the annual research theme; (3) the applicant’s past achievements; and (4) how the project would benefit from the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.

Applicants are notified of the Getty Research Institute’s decision approximately six months following the deadline.

How to Apply:
Please prepare the attachments according to the instructions and notify your references that you will be requesting letters from them in support of this application. Once the form link is available, you may proceed to register, fill out a short form, upload your materials, send instructions for your letters of recommendation, and submit the application.

-Project Proposal:
Each application must include a description of the applicant’s proposed plan for study and research (not to exceed five pages, typed and double-spaced). The description should indicate (1) how the project bears upon the scholar year theme and (2) how the project would be advanced by the resources at the Getty, including its library and collections.
-Selected Bibliography (not to exceed two pages, typed and single-spaced): cite scholarly works, other than your own, that are important to the project and the place the project in its intellectual framework.
-Doctoral Dissertation Plan or Abstract (maximum two pages).
-Curriculum Vitae
-Writing Sample: Each applicant should submit one writing sample (not more than twenty-five pages). This may be a sample of the dissertation and should best represent the applicant’s methodological concerns.
-Confirmation letter (a scan of this letter is acceptable): Predoctoral applicants must submit a letter from their academic institution confirming that they have passed their qualifying exams and have been advanced to candidacy. Postdoctoral applicants must submit confirmation from their academic institution that their doctorates have been awarded. NEH postdoctoral fellowship applicants must have completed all degree requirements by the application deadline.
-Documentation of U.S. residency (required by foreign nationals applying for the GRI-NEH Postdoctoral Fellowship only). This includes a copy of your passport and a copy of one of the following documents: Green Card, Temporary Green Card Stamp, Work Authorization Card, Copy of most current visa and Approval notice from USCIS.
Note: If you are applying for the GRI-NEH Fellowship, you will indicate this selection in the application form. While you may not apply for both Getty and GRI-NEH fellowships at the same time, GRI-NEH applicants who are not selected may be considered for a Getty Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Scholarship Application Deadline:
The application deadline is November 3, 2014.


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