Saturday, September 20, 2014

IMPRS PhD Scholarships in Solar System Science at University of Göttingen in Germany, 2015
University of Göttingen in German

Scholarship Description:
The Solar System School awards scholarships to excellent junior researchers to study towards a PhD degree in physics at an international graduate school. The “International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science at the University of Göttingen” (IMPRS, Solar System School) is a association of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research and the University of Göttingen offering an international PhD programme in physics.

Study Subject(s):
The program covers the physical aspects of Solar system science The research topics for doctoral theses address scientific problems from all areas of Solar System research represented at the institute, from geophysics and planetary physics to Solar and stellar physics as well as the underlying fundamental physics, computational physics, and space technology.

Course Level:
Scholarships are available for pursuing research-oriented doctoral program at the University of Göttingen.

Scholarship Provider:
The International Max Planck Research School for Solar System Science. It is jointly run by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) and the University of Göttingen.

Scholarship can be taken at:

Scholarship Application Deadline:
The application deadline is November 15 2014.

-The Solar System School is open to students from all countries and offers an international three-year PhD program in an outstanding research environment with state-of-the-art facilities on the Göttingen Research Campus. Successful applicants receive an attractive scholarship covering relocation support, housing and living expenses and are exempt from tuition fees.
-The language of the structured graduate program is English, with German language courses offered (optional). The program includes an inspiring curriculum of scientific lectures and seminars as well as advanced training workshops and provides travel funds to attend international conferences.
-Applicants to the Solar System School should have a keen interest in Solar system science and a record of academic excellence. They must have, or must be about to obtain, an M.Sc. degree or equivalent in physics or a related field, including a written Masters thesis (or a scientific publication), and must document a good command of the English language.

Scholarship Open for International Students:
Students from all countries can apply for these PhD scholarships.

Number of award(s):
During their three-year PhD education, the candidates are advised by senior scientists. About 50 highly qualified doctoral candidates from more than 30 countries study at the Solar System School at any given time.

Duration of award(s):
These PhD scholarships are awarded for three years.

What does it cover?
Successful applicants receive an attractive scholarship covering relocation support, housing and living expenses and are exempt from tuition fees. The language of the structured graduate program is English, with German language courses offered (optional). The program includes an inspiring curriculum of scientific lectures and seminars as well as advanced training workshops and provides travel funds to attend international conferences.

Selection Criteria:
Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis.

Successful applicants will be notified in 2015 May.

How to Apply:
The mode of applying is online.

Note: Online application opens on October 01, 2014.


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