Monday, September 15, 2014

 Study Subject(S):          Fellowships are awarded for training on Minerals Processing & Beneficiation.
Scholarship Provider:  The Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing  Countries (NAM S&T Centre) and Department of Science & Technology (DST), Republic of South Africa.
Duration Of Award(S): 3 months
Number Of Award(S): 20 scientists

Deadline:                      31st August 2014.

Scholarship taken at:      South Africa

It Covers:
-DST, South Africa as the host country will provide local hospitality for the Fellows for the duration of the training. A subsistence allowance @ of US$ 300 per month will be paid to the selected Fellow for meals, miscellaneous expenses and local transportation. Accommodation and daily transportation to and from the MINTEK will be covered by DST of South Africa.

-International Airfare will be borne by the Fellow or his/ her sending government / organisation.
-Individual Fellows or their governments / institutions will also be required to bear the following costs:
-All expenses in the home country incidental to travel abroad, including expenditure for passport and visa, required medical examinations and vaccinations and miscellaneous expenses such as internal travel to/from the airport of departure in the home country.
-Salary and other related allowances for the Fellows during the Fellowship period.
-Cost towards medical insurance to cover the period of Fellowship in South Africa.
The NAM S&T Centre and DST South Africa will not assume responsibility for the following expenditure on the Fellow:
-Insurance, medical bills or hospitalisation fees.
-Compensation in the event of death, disability or loss of personal belongings or compensation for damage caused by climatic or other conditions.
-Travel and other costs incurred by the dependents, who might accompany the Fellow

Brief Description: 
The overall objective of the Fellowship scheme is to provide insights on the entire minerals processing and beneficiation chain to allow the Fellows to influence policies and establish structures in their countries to address the related challenges. This programme will further provide the Fellows with the knowledge on Minerals Processing and Beneficiation and expose them to the basic principles and relevant developments in the field so that they can apply modern techniques for understanding process operation and understand the impact of these technologies on the environment and processes for their mitigation.

-Applicant should possess at least a Master’s Degree in any relevant science subject or an equivalent degree in engineering or technology.

-Applicant should be working in a Government Ministry, department, agency or institution or a private industry dealing with minerals processing and beneficiation programmes in his/her home country. The application should be endorsed by the Head of his/her institution confirming that if selected, he/she will be sanctioned leave for the period of the Programme and will join his/her duties back in the organisation on completion of the Fellowship in South Africa.

Scholarship Open for International Students:
Applicants from member countries of the NAM S&T Centre: Afghanistan, Algeria, Argentina, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Colombia, Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Korea (DPR), Lebanon, Malaysia, Malawi, Malta, Mauritius, Myanmar, Nepal, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Serbia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, St. Lucia, Syria, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Venezuela, Vietnam, Zambia and Zimbabwe can apply for these training fellowships.

Number of award(s):
Twenty (20) scientists, technologists and professionals from the NAM S&T Centre’s member countries will be selected under the Programme every year (for the next three years 2015 to 2017) to get affiliated with the South African host institution.

Duration of award(s):
The selected Fellows will be hosted and attached to MINTEK  for a period of three months being exposed to MINTEK ways of minerals processing and undergoing in-service training under the existing MINTEK programmes. The Fellows will be attached to an existing MINTEK project relevant to their scientific background and interests.

Selection Criteria:
Twenty Fellows will be selected each year out of all the applications received based on the professional details furnished by the applicants. In matter of selection, the decision of DST, South Africa shall be final which will also send the Fellowship Award Letters to the selected applicants.

How to Apply:
Applications for the fellowship should be submitted in the prescribed format (attached) directly to Mr. Selby Modiba at ( and Ms Palesa Motsoeneng at (, DST, South Africa.


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